Can I produce Speech-Over presentations for sale?
Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:30 am
by joelh
I work for a company that produces presentations for sale to other companies. Can I produce Speech-Over presentations for sale?
Re: Can I produce Speech-Over presentations for sale?
Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:37 am
by joelh
The premium voices that come bundled with Speech-Over Professional have an "internal" commercial license. This means that the voices can be used with Speech-Over to produce presentations for use inside a company, including putting the presentation on a company server and making them available to employees for e-learning. (These are applications which would not be allowed under the personal license provided with most personal text-to-speech readers.)
However the Speech-Over voice commercial licenses do not allow companies to sell presentations created with their copy of Speech-Over. If you need more info on this topic please contact me.