Sound file not accessible by relative path

Discussions of issues with creating and editing narration clips and speech-over operations in general

Sound file not accessible by relative path

Postby joelh » Mon Jun 14, 2010 11:59 am


I got this error when adding a new narration clip in Speech-Over. I can't proceed. What do I do?

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Re: Sound file not accessible by relative path

Postby joelh » Mon Jun 14, 2010 12:05 pm


This error occurs when the SpeechOver/Preferences/General is set to "Use relative path" (check box checked).

This is a PowerPoint issue. It depends how you opened the presentation ppt file in PowerPoint. If you open it with PowerPoint Open as a recent file, PowerPoint does not recognize relative paths and you get the error. If on the other hand you open the presentation by double click on the ppt file on Windows Explorer or from the Start/Documents it does recognize relative paths and it works.

There are two solutions to the issue.

1. Open the ppt files only with double click on the Windows Explorer or with Start/Documents

2. Use the SpeechOver/Preferences/General set to "Use absolute path" (check box unchecked)

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Re: Sound file not accessible by relative path

Postby joelh » Thu May 30, 2013 6:00 pm

I have a solution for the relative path problem in PowerPoint 2010. It is different than what was posted, but close.

1. Open PowerPoint using the start menu, or a shortcut on your desktop ONLY. Do not double-click on the Whatever.pptx file.

2. When PowerPoint is opened, go to the Open menu and select the file through the normal file selection process. Do not use the Recently Opened selection, as this doesn’t work correctly for the Speechover files.

3. Once the file is open, go to the Speechover tab and select Preferences. Make sure that the box is checked for “Use relative paths for sound files”. If this was not previously checked, when you click on Save and Exit, it will ask if you want to refresh all slides. Click Okay.

4. Form here on, when you want to make any changes to the Speechover files, you MUST open PowerPoint, then open the file using the Open File menu. Otherwise it hoses that Speechover file.

It appears that if you want to just edit the PowerPoint content without editing the Speechover files at all, you can double-click on the .PPTX file from Windows Explorer and not affect the Speechover relative paths.

Bill Galbraith
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