Generate Narration Clips From Text
There are two types of narration clips: Slide narration clips let you add general slide explanations and shape narration clips let you add explanations to individual text bullets and graphics.
- Slide Narration Clip: add a slide narration clip with the Add Narration Clip dialog. Enter the narration script text to be spoken and choose the voice to speak it. Text can be typed in or dictated. The clip is played when the slide is displayed.
- Shape Narration Clip: Add a narration clip to any individual text or graphic object The clip is played when the object is animated.
- Shape narration clips can be sequential or interactive.
- Edit existing individual narration clips with the Edit Narration Clip dialog.
- Display narration clips on a slide and change their order with the Clip Organizer.
- Edit the content for all narration clips on a slide at one time with the Slide Clips Editor
Copy And Paste Narration Clips
- Copy, cut and paste narration clips between screen items. Create new clips from existing ones.
Synchronize Narration Clips With PowerPoint Animations
- Speech-Over synchronizes the narration with the visuals for a stronger learning impact.
When you add a shape narration clip to a screen text or graphic object, Speech-Over synchronizes the narration with the object's visual animation - adding the animation, if it doesn't already exist. The synchronization is done automatically without any time-line editing.
You can select the animation parameters: effect type, effect trigger, delay, duration, and timing relative to the start of the narration.
Generate Captions (Subtitles) from Script Text
- Automatically creates captions (subtitles) for each narration clip. Captions are displayed in coordination with the narration.
- Long captions are automatically subdivided and displayed in succession, synched with the voice. Optionally, long captions scroll across the bottom.
- Captions are optional.
Convert Narrated Presentations to Video
- PowerPoint 2010 can save the presentations narrated with Speech-Over as narrated videos in WMV format and PowerPoint 2013 can save them to MP4 format; no other software is required.
- For any version of PowerPoint, you can convert the narrated PowerPoint presentations into Flash or other video formats for the web with any tool that recognizes PowerPoint media effects, like Camtasia®, Captivate®, iSpring®, and Articulate®.
Modulate Voice Properties with SAPI Editor
- The SAPI voice editor lets you modulate, adjust and fine-tune the text-to-speech voice. You can introduce pauses, change pitch, speed and volume and add emphasis within the flow of the speech. These controls are integrated into the text with special characters making them very easy-to-use.
Assigns Voices with Voice Schemes
- Use voice schemes to determine how voices are assigned to the PowerPoint shapes for the entire presentation.
Writes Narration Text to PowerPoint Notes
- Writes formatted narration clip text to PowerPoint notes pane in the order the clips are played in the presentation. Ideal for handouts.
- Import existing notes from PowerPoint notes pane for narration clip text.
Pronounces Difficult Words
- Based on their extensive data base and pronunciation rules, TTS voices are able to read the vast majority of words correctly. Complex words in specialized fields such as technical, legal and medical. are easily handled with the Acapela pronunciation lexicon. You enter the word into the lexicon with its phoneme representation, which is available from standard online dictionaries, and the voice will recognize and speak it.
Adds Background Sounds
- In many presentations it is desirable to add background sounds or music to enhance the voice narration. When using TTS voices for narration, this feature can be especially helpful to enhance the overall presentation quality.
Combines Multiple Audio Sources
- Instead of or in addition to using text-to-speech for the narration you can import a sound file or record your own voice.
- You can develop a presentation using text-to-speech to work out how the narration integrates into the presentation and for the final draft you can replace the text-to-speech voices with imported sound files recorded by voice talents, saving costs and development time.
- Easy access to tools for Acapela voices: Phoneme Lexicon and Voice Manager. You can access those tools easily from the Speech-Over dialog.
- Context dependent help.
- The premium Acapela TTS voices come with a license for commercial use.
- Add additional TTS voices. Speech-Over will work with any SAPI standard voice installed on the machine.
- Speech-Over Cool and Speech-Over Pro for PowerPoint 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019
- Microsoft® Windows® Win 7, Win 8, Win 10, 32 or 64 bit version
- Microsoft Office® 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 365 with 201X, - 32 or 64 bit version
- Microsoft .NET Framework® 4.0
- TTS Voices SAPI 5 compatible.
- Speech-Over Pro 2007
- Microsoft® Windows® XP, Vista®, Win 7
- Microsoft Office® 2007
- Microsoft .NET Framework® 2.0
- TTS Voices SAPI 5 compatible.
- Speech-Over Pro XP
- Microsoft® Windows® XP, Vista®
- Microsoft Office® XP/2003
- Microsoft .NET Framework® 2.0
- TTS Voices SAPI 5 compatible.