Testimonials Testimonials

Check Point Software Technologies

“The ease of converting the text to voice, coupled with the ability to go back and instantly change the narration on a single slide, and have it exactly match the voice of every other slide, recorded weeks or months earlier is invaluable.Short technical/repair training modules that took us a month or more to develop and schedule voice-over and re-voice-over to correct and edit, now, with Speech-Over Professional, literally take us just days to develop start to finish, right on the desktop.Acceptance by the students has been 100%."

Mark Hoefle, Lead Courseware Developer, Check Point Software Technologies CheckPointIcon


“Since we have started using Speech-Over Professional we now have very few instructor-led classes. Once we produce the training with voice it is submitted to our training department as a class that can be taken by all the associates. This has been very helpful when trying to train people globally since the class can be taken at any time instead of attending a class with set hours of availability.It has been very beneficial to our department and Motorola as a whole.The tool is so easy to use and has features that allow you to be as creative as you want."

Cathy Hurley, Training Developer, Motorola

“We create narrated e-learning courses in half the time as human voice-over and maintain them in 75% less time.”

Bill Cooper, IT Manager, Motorola

"We have used it to produce about 50 training courses – it let us develop professional content quickly and easily, saving workers' time."

Richard Hoffman, Training Manager, Motorola MotorolaIcon

Otis Elevator Company

“Speech-Over Professional has proven to be an effective and economical way for Otis to produce training material. It allows our subject matter experts to focus on the content of their presentation with an economy of words,provides for easy maintenance of training material by limiting the change to specific areas rather than rerecording the entire presentation, and prevents the need for time consuming recording sessions."

Bryan Leach, System Engineering Manager, Worldwide Engineering, Otis Elevator Company OtisIcon

VEGA Grieshaber KG

“This software is our main tool to have spoken English text in our service tutorials, which are used to educate our service staff all over the world.

Human voice-over is absolutely inefficient. We would not have realized this project without such a tool. We would spend more money for our service staff traveling to provide service training.

The main advantage is that it is a plug-in for PowerPoint so we need no compiler, procedure or special software and we can work in software we are familiar with.

We chose Speech-Over because it is really smart and easy to operate. And it is worth the money. We don't need an expensive professional solution, because we don't earn money with this tool. The tutorials don't have to be highly sophisticated. They are only for our own employees.

An easy, smart and effective plugin for PowerPoint." Wolfgang Werner, Technical Documentation, VEGA Grieshaber KG VEGAlogo

State of California DOR

“Excellent product capable of addressing the US Federal Section 508 electronic requirements by being accessible for individuals with hearing loss, those with auditory processing challenges and those with low vision or blindness."

Ed Flores, Training Officer, State of California Department of Rehabilitation- Disability Access Services Section CAlogo

The Cambridge Don

“Useful features are: Integrating voices and synching animation. Also, voice is complimentary information added to the visual so that the user is able to receive info on two channels of understanding – increasing the amount of info transferred.

Lets you use one standard voice over years of product development. If we used real voices, we would have to use many voices.

Possibility of multiple channels of info (audio and video) with a standard voice gives a professional edge to the product."

Carl Aylen, The Cambridge Don